Le migliori pizzerie, pasticcerie e panetterie nel mondo ci hanno scelti come garanzia di Salubrità, Gusto e Sostenibilità.

#RoadToSmartBaking, la strada verso la cottura perfetta passa anche da loro.

Hai un Moretti Forni nel tuo locale?
Scatta una foto mentre sforni le tue creazioni, postala sui tuoi social, taggaci e usa l’hashtag #RoadToSmartBaking, il protagonista potresti essere tu!

Baking time 🤟 #pane #chefinpasta #roadtosmartbaking #morettiforni

Baking time 🤟 #pane #chefinpasta #roadtosmartbaking #morettiforni ...

Welcome to the new upgraded I Carusi II with our brand new  morettiforni oven, the Ferrari of all pizza ovens!! We are so excited that we can now serve Melbourne the best pizzas in town. Yes, we have a talented pizzaiolo. Looking forward to seeing you soon… #onlythebest 

#icarusiii #pizza #stkilda #newoven #moretti #morettiforni #roadtosmartbaking

Welcome to the new upgraded I Carusi II with our brand new morettiforni oven, the Ferrari of all pizza ovens!! We are so excited that we can now serve Melbourne the best pizzas in town. Yes, we have a talented pizzaiolo. Looking forward to seeing you soon… #onlythebest

#icarusiii #pizza #stkilda #newoven #moretti #morettiforni #roadtosmartbaking

Push it to the limit!🔥 diego.vitagliano 
#work #pizza #morettiforni #diegovitagliano #pizzainteglia #pizzacrocante #pizzacroccante

Push it to the limit!🔥 diego.vitagliano
#work #pizza #morettiforni #diegovitagliano #pizzainteglia #pizzacrocante #pizzacroccante

A huge thank you to the Chef luigisperanza for today's wonderful pizza demo in our showroom! 🤩🍕🇮🇹

As always, Moretti Forni's masterpiece ovens under the spotlight! morettiforni modalita.nyc 

#morettiforni #pizzaoven #pizzabusiness
#pizzanyc #oven #commercialoven #professionaloven #contract #equipment #contractbusiness #restaurantbusiness #restaurantequipment #nycfood

A huge thank you to the Chef luigisperanza for today`s wonderful pizza demo in our showroom! 🤩🍕🇮🇹

As always, Moretti Forni`s masterpiece ovens under the spotlight! morettiforni modalita.nyc

#morettiforni #pizzaoven #pizzabusiness
#pizzanyc #oven #commercialoven #professionaloven #contract #equipment #contractbusiness #restaurantbusiness #restaurantequipment #nycfood