Baked Castagnole Recipe

A classic Carnival treat, traditionally made by frying. In our version, we propose a lighter and faster-to-make option. With the help of our serieS deck oven, the baked “castagnole” will come out perfect: the push of the refractory stone, combined with a light injection of steam and opening of the valve, ensures optimal and uniform…

Mince pies recipe

Mince pies are a typical English Christmas dish consisting of a light crumbly pastry shell containing mincemeat, a very fragrant filling made from a mixture of apples, candied fruits, dried fruits and spices marinated in brandy. In the making of these sweet little cakes, which English children prepare for Santa Claus, the heat of S…

Genoa cake

In the recipe for pandolce – also known as Genoa cake – a Ligurian cake typical of the Christmas period, the heat of S series Steambake will be decisive both for the perfect development of the product, thanks to the refractory deck thrust, and for maintaining the right degree of internal humidity, regulated by the…

Pandoro by Morandin

The archenemy of ‘panettone’ in every Christmas diatribe, pandoro, as we know it today, originated in Verona, patented in October 1884 by the pastry chef Domenico Melegatti. Tradition would see it as an evolution of the “Nadalin”, another Veronese Christmas cake in the shape of a star, for others the ‘pan de oro’ would derive…

American Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin pie has its roots in the earliest Thanksgiving celebrations in the United States, in the latter half of the 1600s. It still graces American tables on Thanksgiving Day, but is also made on Halloween for its crumbly pastry shell and soft, creamy heart. In this recipe, S series heat is indispensable to reproduce the…