Whole wheat bread with sourdough starter is rich in fibre, vitamins, mineral salt bioavailable and has less calories than bread. This bread with a lower glycaemic index is also more fragrant and nutritious. serieS perfect heat and steam grant a crunchy shiny crust, tempting to the eye and irresistible to taste.
Whole wheat bread with wholemeal sourdough biga – serieS recipe
INGREDIENTS – (10 loaves of 900 g)
Biga preparation: Wholemeal yeast biga 14-16 h
910g strong wholemeal flour
540g water
9g salt
135g creamy sourdough yeast 80% hydration
Constant for calculating the water temperature 60
(const. T flour – T room = T water pre-mix)
Preferred dough temperature at the end of procedure 24-26°C
Fermentation time 14-16 h
Fermentation temperature 16-18°C
Final dough
For autolysis / machine downtime:
2.000g flour type 1 W300
2.000g strong wholemeal flour
2.560g water
(mix for 4-5 minutes then cover and wait 30 minutes)
At the end:
820g water
1.600g wholemeal sourdough yeast biga for 14-16 h
81g salt
- Prepare the autolysis by mixing the ingredients for 4-5 minutes, cover and wait 30 minutes.
- Mix the dough at speed 1 for 3 minutes, then switch to speed 2 and structure the gluten for a couple of minutes.
- Add the salt and a drop of water. Once the water has been absorbed, add the chopped wholemeal sourdough yeast biga, then the remaining water.
- Place into a 1/1 GN container with lid. Fermentation temperature: 27-28°C – leave for 150 minutes and fold after 60 minutes (the dough must develop by 40% ca.).
- Break and form the loaves directly (10 loaves of 900 g), place in a basket or on floured pastry boards.
- Final rising: about 90-120 minutes at 28°C. Turn over and put in the oven without cutting.
serieS Steambake h16. 3-phase baking program
- Phase 1: 2 minutes at 245°C – 6 seconds steam – 60% ceiling 40% floor
- Phase 2: 36 minutes at 220°C – 50% ceiling 40% floor
- Phase 3: valve open 20 minutes at 210°C – 40% ceiling 35% floor